लिवर किट या लिवर सम्बंधित कोई भी जानकारी लेने के लिए निचे दिए गए नंबर पर कॉल लगाएं
How to use
Soak one spoonful of Liver Powder in a glass of water overnight. 2. In the morning, boil the mixture until it reduces to half a glass. 3. Strain and drink it empty stomach, one hour before your meal. 4. Soak one spoonful of liver powder in a glass of water in the morning and repeat the process at night before one hour of dinner. 5. Take TymLiv and Liver Detox Capsule after breakfast and dinner, one capsule each.
ऐसे इस्तेमाल करें
एक गिलास पानी में एक चम्मच लिवर पाउडर रात भर भिगो कर रखें।
सुबह इस मिश्रण को उबालें जब तक कि यह आधा गिलास न रह जाए।
इसे छानकर खाली पेट पीएं, अपने भोजन से एक घंटा पहले।
सुबह एक गिलास पानी में एक चम्मच लिवर पाउडर भिगो कर रखें और रात को खाने से एक घंटा पहले इस प्रक्रिया को दोहराएं।
नाश्ते और रात के खाने के बाद, एक-एक कैप्सूल TymLiv और Liver Detox Capsule लें।
The Herbovedam Liver Kit comprises a selection of herbal supplements renowned for their hepatoprotective properties. These carefully chosen supplements aim to cleanse and fortify the liver, aiding its natural detoxification processes.
This Ayurvedic liver kit is a comprehensive collection of natural products designed to support and maintain liver health, ensuring the proper functioning of one of the body's most vital organs.
Benefits of the Liv Tox Kit:
Liver Tonic: Acts as a tonic for the liver and aids in the regeneration of liver cells.
Detoxification: Rejuvenates, nourishes, and detoxifies the liver.
Pitta Dosha Balance: Helps balance the Pitta Dosha and promotes digestion.
Prevention: Prevents liver ailments, infections, and diseases.
Purification: Purifies the liver by eliminating accumulated toxins.
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